Our Gallery

Westmorland County Shiw, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 18th Sep 2024 @ 1:27pm

Year 6 Treat Day to Williamsons Park, by Mr McGurk

Date: 17th Jul 2024 @ 9:08pm

As part of Year 6's final week at our school we have enjoyed a day in Lancaster at Williamson Park. The sun came out and we enjoyed a good wander, games, exploring the woods and a well deserved ice cream. A truly great bunch of young people- we had a blast!

'CommunityMindConnect' Mental Health Outdoors session, by Miss Hughes

Date: 17th Jul 2024 @ 2:15pm

Tom from "Community Mind Connect" joined us on Friday (in class 2) and Monday (with Class 1) to encourage the children to spend time outdoors and be more creative, for their mental wellbeing.  The children were a credit to themselves in the way they behaved on our walks out in the community and in their teamwork creating art using natural materials, back in class in the afternoons.  A fun day was had by all!

Working collaboratively across year groups, by Miss Hughes

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 10:19am

This year we have trieds something new; a couple of times this year, we have invited Year 5 in to suppport Class 2 with the writing process, specifically planning their ideas out.  This week Year 5 have been helping us to plan out our innovated stories, based on Simon Bartram's "Man on the Moon".  We can't wait to share the finished product with them!

Greek collage Class 3, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 1:18pm

Den Building - Outdoor Adventurous Activities, by Miss Hughes

Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 1:08pm

Class 2 and Class 3 were very lucky to get a very exciting OAA session today with Greg, who challenged us to build shelters using simple materials and what we could find in our environment.  Class 2 linked this to what we have learnt about historic and modern exploration expeditions, thinking about what you would need to help you survive in the wild.  The children worked very efficiently in teams to assemble their given materials and scavenge further resources.  Ultimately, every group was able to build a functional shelter, with additional extras such as bedding, a firepit, washing lines and even 'motion sensored cameras' and camera traps to detect and deter wild animals! Some groups were very creative and imaginative and really threw their all into this brilliant activity.  We even spotted parachutes in the sky, which added to the joy of the morning!

World Museum Liverpool, by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 9:31pm

Class 1 and 2 had a fantastic end-of-year trip to World Museum Liverpool.  The children were - as usual - incredibly well behaved and a credit to the school.  They had a wonderful time exploring many parts of the huge museum; for some of them, a first time in museums like this.  They were in awe the minute they walked in under the terasaur, and saw the huge glass lift and six floors of wonder!  We had the chance to look around lots of exhibits including: the dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt, the aquarium, 'Clore Natural History', the bug house and 'Space and Time'.  The children were enthralled throughout.  Thank you, parents, for making this possible!

Transition into Class 2, by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 8:27pm

We had our transition morning on Wednesday and the children from Class 1 joined Year 1, in Class 2.  They were all absolute superstars and played really nicely together while 'Choosing' and worked hard on their 'All About Me' sheets.  We talked about what will make a happy and safe classroom and everyone shared some fantastic suggestions to add to our expectations poster.  I have loved reading the 'All About Me' sheets and finding out little fun facts about all my new Year Ones!

A few more from Royal Opera House 'Create Day', by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 8:06pm

Here are a few more snaps from the final performance during 'Create Day'.  A fantastic day was had by all and this children did so well learning so much in such a short space of time.

Investigating the Apollo 11 mission of 1969, by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 7:54pm

This half term, Class 2 have been working incredibly hard in their History lessons... playing with playdough, running around, dressing up...!  Through investigating secondary sources and doing an 'Outdoors Adveturous Activities' scavenger hunt-style quiz, sequencing pictures and modelling key scenes and events, the children have learnt a lot of information about the moon landing and why it is a significant event in human history; they've had a lot of fun doing it, too!

Royal Opera House Crete Day, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 11:55am

Class 3 Ancient Greek Day, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 9:40am

Today, Class 3 had an Ancient Greek theme day. Imagining history came in, in the morning and did a drama workshop about the Greek Gods and Goddesses. In the afternoon we sampled Greek food and looked a democracy.

Sports Day Track Events, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 4:14pm

Today, we had part two of our sports day, the track events. All the children took part in: short distance sprinting, long distance running, relays, the bean bag shuttle and the quoites.  All the points were added together from the two sport days and HUTTON team were the winners overall. WELL DONE HUTTON! Well done to all the children who took part, thank you to all the helpers and the parents for coming to cheer on their children. Another succesful Sports day where teamwork was being  encouraged, with CRAG team receiving bonus points for their sportmanship. 

Sports Day Field Events, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 3:45pm

On Monday morning the whole school took part in the field events for Sports Day. They took part in their house teams and worked together as team players to earn points for their team. Despite the hot weather everyone performed to the best of their ability and encouraged each other! They did standing long jump, discus, shot put, javelin, hurdles and shuttle runs. They also had to score goals and shoot balls in the netball hoop to earn points for their team.

Class 3 Farm Visit, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 3:08pm

Class 3 went to Heaves Farm Open Day today to find out how food comes to their homes! We learnt about honey, eggs, milk, meat and how cattle feed is made from recycled food. We saw chicks and calves born that morning and got to talk to lots of people in the agricultural world. We saw cows being miked and followed the whole journey of milk to our doorstep!

Making our own tartan, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 8:27am

Class 2 finished off their Art project focusing on textiles and fabrics, by making their very own tartan swatches.  They used the weaving skills they had learnt, and made artistic choices with regards to their colours, based on the physical and human geography of Scotland.  Can you work out what the colours remind us of or represent?

Year 6 Post SATS Woodland Adventure, by Mr McGurk

Date: 20th May 2024 @ 6:53am

Paddington in Egypt, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 3:57pm

This week Paddington had travelled to Egypt. We were very excited to find his postcard, some non-fiction books about pyramids and three new camels in his basket. We have had a go at making polydron pyramids, learnt facts about camels, writing our name in hieroglyphics and wrapping each other up as mummies!

Paper Weaving in Class 2, by Miss Hughes

Date: 14th May 2024 @ 3:31pm

Class 2 started their Summer Term Art unit today.  We are learning about textiles and fabrics, focusing on the skill of 'weaving'.  Today we had a go at weaving with paper and card, to practise the technique and see the effect.  We will use this, and the work of textile artist Judith Rowley, to inspire us to design our own tartan.  Look how proud we are of our weaving! We found it quite tricky, but we persevered, helped one another and all achieved it in the end.

STEM Engineering Project Competition, by Mrs Gavriluk

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 3:51pm

Today, 8 children from Year 1 to Year 4 represented our school exemplary in a STEM Engineering Project against other schools in the area. KS1 Apprentices had to make a dumper truck with a working light, pneumatic system to dump a load and it had to run down an incline as far and straight as possible. KS2 Engineers had to make a tower with 2 platforms, a flashing light as part of an electrical circuit and had to be able to survive earthquake conditions. They all did exceptionally well and won 3 prizes for best design, best theme and best communicator! Well done to everyone involved a super end to another fantastic week in school celebrating our brilliant children's successes.

Paddington in Italy, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 3:46pm

We received another postcard from Paddington and he had travelled to........ Italy! We identified Italy on a map, looked at pictures of Rome, Venice and Pisa and their different landmarks. We were very excited to learn that Paddington had sent us some pizza making ingredients. We followed the recipe, made the dough, made the pizza and then ate it! Yummy! After learning that Paddington had also travelled to Venice, we then made some venetian masks. 

Key Stage 1 Geography, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 1:41pm

Class 2 have been hard at work, learning all about the United Kingdom.  We can name the four countries, their capitals and some of the surrounding seas.  We can name many other cities too, and even find some of them on a map!  We have learnt the difference between human and geographical features and know what some of the key physical landmarks of the UK are.  We went outside this week with our 'binoculars' to spot what physical and human features we could see in the area surrounding our school - we imagined being a bird, flying overhead!  Then we had a fantastic treat on Thursday - we received responses from the school children of Tobermory! They wrote to each child in our class individually, answering our questions and asking us more.  We were so excited to read our personalised letters!

STEM Day, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 1:36pm

We were very lucky to participate in an inter-schools STEM competition recently.  Key Stage 1 worked alongside some Year 5s and some very kind parent helpers, to design, make, test and evaluate functioning pneumatic dumper trucks.  Class 2 worked absolutely superbly, putting all of the DT skills and knowledge they have gained ove the last term with Mr Hellier to good use.  They worked brilliantly in small teams and in the end, all seven of our minibeast dumper trucks worked! The children were able to explain to me how the wheels worked and how the dumper mechanism worked, using words like axles, pivots and inflate.  Leo, Erin, Eleanor and Connor went along to the competition with Mrs Gavriluk and some KS2 pupils, to represent our hard work.  They won three out of the six categories! Well done, everyone.

Scottish treat!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 8th May 2024 @ 12:09pm

Kathryn, who is from Scotland, very kindly came in to Class 2 on Friday and read The Gruffalo to us, in Scots!  We talked about the meaning of 'dialect' and 'accent' and she quizzed us on our understanding of some of the words in the story, using our prior knowledge of the story and infering meaning from other words around them.  We learnt that "scran" means food in Liverpool, as well as Scotland! Can you spot any others, on these pages?

Paddington in France, by Mrs Barclay

Date: 7th May 2024 @ 11:18am

Paddington was in France! We were very excited to learn all about Paddington's adventures in France. We identified France on a world map and looked at the different landmarks. We made our own Eiffel towers using playdough and lollipop sticks. We looked at the French flag and used paint to create our own. We can't wait to see where Paddington will be going next!

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