Safer Recruitment

Safer Recruitment

At Archbishop Hutton's, we work hard with governors, staff and other adults to create a culture that safeguards and promotes the welfare of all children in our care. As part of this culture, we have robust recruitment procedures to deter and prevent people who are unsuitable to work with children from applying for or securing employment, or volunteering opportunities in our school. 

Senior leaders and governors involved with the recruitment and employment of staff to work with children have received comprehensive safer recruitment training from the local authority which complies with 'Part Three: Safer Recruitment' of Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2023).

The training covers: 

• Understanding the principles of abuse.
• Safer recruitment processes and making the right decisions.
• Building a culture of vigilance in your school. 

Our safer recruitment systems start with the advert and include visits to the school of potential applicants, completion of application forms, shortlisting of candidates, employment history and references, online checks, selection, pre-appointment vetting checks and interviews. 

Through our rigorous induction, all adults will undertake safeguarding training which will cover:

  • understanding what safeguarding and child protection are

  • understanding their role in upholding our safeguarding culture and maintaining an attitude of 'it can happen here'

  • identifying the relevant legislation and guidance for safeguarding in education

  • recognising the different types, signs and indicators of abuse and neglect

  • understanding how to respond to concerns and provide a response that’s best for the child or the children involved

  • understanding the correct procedures for reporting concerns and know who to report to - including low-level concerns and our whistleblowing policy and procedures 

  • recognise the importance of recording your concerns and the principles of good recording


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