Class 4 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Class 4!
Welcome to a brand-new year in Class 4. This half term is all about science.
We will be learning about the human body and its remarkable engine.
How does the circulatory system work and how does our body process the food and nutrients that fuels it? We will be examining this topic through research and carrying out investigations that examine how exercise and nutrition impact on our bodies ability to function. As part of our topic we will also be exploring the importance of a healthy diet and considering the food and drink we put into our bodies. As part of our DT work, the children will be planning, preparing and making a course of a three-course meal. Look out for Class 4’s ‘Come Dine With Me’, later in the term
Please ensure your child is learning their Knowledge Organiser facts as there will be a regular weekly quiz.
Please ensure you look out for the Maya Knowledge Organiser (downloadable here) in preparation for our knowledge mini quizes.We are a mixed Year 5 and Year 6 group.
This year we will be emphasising reading as a focus for our learning. Ensure that your home reader is in school EVERYDAY as we will be starting our day with reading and creating a calm and focused start to our day.
Class 4 will be swimming on Monday and have PE on Friday afternoons.
Remember home learning is always due back in on a Tuesday so it can be checked and sent back out to you each Thursday.
Our Curriculum Newsletter is published every half-term.
Mr McGurk