Updated Behaviour Policy 22/06/20

Date: 22nd Jun 2020 @ 10:27am

This is a new annex to our current behaviour policy. It can be found on pg 12 & 13 of the policy.

The complete behaviour policy is available below.

From this Friday 26th June, teachers will be sending out our 'Learner of the Week' certificates on a weekly basis both to children learning in school and at home. We recommend children learning at home to choose the piece of home learning they are most proud of, take a photo of it and save in the scrapbook on their class' Pupil Area.

June 2020 annex to behaviour policy in the light of covid-19 pandemic

This will be reviewed in December, before the end of the Autumn Term, and will remain in place while appropriate.

We ask our children and staff in school to support these additional school expectations:


We stay in our bubbles/groups through our school day

This means :

To look after each other we only play, work and talk to children in our bubble/ group

We wash our hands carefully

We wash our hands at the start of the day, before and after playtime, before and after lunch, after using the toilet. We wash our hands or use hand sanitiser when our teachers ask us to. When we cough and sneeze, we wash our hands.

We take care of our own equipment

We use our own books, pencils, rulers and colours. We keep them safe in our folders when we do not need them. We always use only our own drinking bottle.

We remember to always catch our coughs and sneezes.  We act safely towards others

We catch our coughs and sneezes in a tissue or the inside of our elbow.

We never cough or spit at any one else at all.


When we are outside:

We play in our bubble/group areas

We stay in the space for our group even if we have friends in another group

We eat our own food and drink our own drinks

To keep  safe we do not share our food

We think about others when we play

We make sure everyone has space. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.

We always listen and follow our teachers instructions

We work together as a team


Our learners at home


We do our best with our work

We show that  we are ready to 'give it a go'

We help our parents and carers to  support us at home

We follow instructions at home. We try to follow the timetable our teacher suggests. We make sure that we take regular breaks

We ask a question when we are stuck

We remember that  our family and our teachers at school are always ready  to  help us

We remember our rules for staying safe online

We only use the websites which adults ask us to. We do not talk to people we do not know online.

We are always polite and helpful

We are good role models


Our school consequences

Our usual school consequences apply when children in school do not follow our expectations.

Each room children use, will have a ‘Calm Down Zone’ marked by a laminate card. When children use this zone they will be given a list of calm down strategies to use.


Our school rewards

From 22/06/20, we will use a new temporary team point system with children in school.

The existing team point system with associated planet awards will      re-start when all children are back in school.

Staff will continue to use the usual class behaviour chart showing individual children’s names.

Only adults will move the children’s names on the class behaviour chart and record children’s team points.

In addition, we will be sending out our 'Learner of the Week' certificates on weekly basis both to children learning in school and at home.

Pupil Support

We understand that this is a difficult time for children and we will provide support for our children to settle back into school.

This will include:

  • Reminding all our children of our school routines and expectations
  • Talking to our children about our behaviours, expectations and routines including why  we need these
  • Talking to our children about how they might be feeling and how to  deal with  their feelings
  • We will use a range of resources to support children to  understand and manage their feelings
  • We will provide additional support and signposting to other agencies when it is needed

Reasonable adjustments

  • As at all times we will make reasonable adjustments as and when appropriate for our children with SEND needs
  • Individual Behaviour Plans will continue to include reasonable adjustments when appropriate
  • These adjustments will be in line with the current Government guidance around social distancing and the guidance on the implementation of protective measures


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