School Mission and Vision Document

Date: 28th May 2020 @ 2:35pm

      Archbishop Hutton’s VC Primary School 

Vision and Mission Statement

May 2020


Archbishop Hutton’s School is a Voluntary Controlled school. This means that the school is controlled by Lancashire Local Authority rather than the Diocese of Blackburn. The Archbishop Hutton’s Trust is a charity. The trustees’ role is to ensure that the school is led and managed according to its Christian foundation.

In the past three years, the school has changed the teaching and learning of both R.E. and Collective Worship in school. Using the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus for R.E, we have broadened and applied children’s experience and understanding of many world faiths. Using the Roots and Fruits worship program in assembly we teach life’s values. As a VC school our Vision and Mission are linked closely to these values.

As a school, we are preparing to be inspected by SIAMs during the next academic year. This is a short inspection and every VC school is inspected in this way. Our previous inspection report can be read in the about us section of the school website.  With this in mind, we have put together a Vision and Mission statement which we feel reflects day to day life at Archbishop Hutton’s.

A VC school traditionally has a quote from the Bible at the centre of its Vision and Mission.  A tree is known by its fruit from Matthew 12:33 is used in the Roots and Fruits sums up what we are about and ties in with the school’s bold new tree logo. 

This new document is a statement of our intent – and defines what we do to achieve this as explained in the three statements of Vision.  These are what we are judged by as a school; the hard work we put into growing great young people and the way in which this bares fruit in their successes – both now and in the future.

The Mission of the school is what we want that fruit to look like.  What are we aiming to grow? What do we want our children to be?  How do we want our children to make the most of the opportunities they are given?

This statement will underpin our on-going school improvement journey.  It will form the basis of the SIAMs self-assessment, against which we will be evaluated.  It also shows what we expect to feel and see in the classrooms, corridors and playground every day. I believe it is a positive statement which explains who we are, what we do and what we feel is important.

I invite you to read the new Vision and Mission document and would welcome your feedback. To do this please complete the very short survey form on the Parents Area of the website.

Thank you for your time, Mr Pugh


Our vision is:

By promoting the traditional values of respectful behaviour, responsibility and forgiveness, we prepare our children for life in a global, multi-faith society.

By supporting all children to become independent thinkers and confident learners, we encourage curiosity, ambition and individuality. 

By providing focused, engaging and inclusive teaching we equip the children to lead their own learning in a supportive and challenging environment.


In the gospel of Mathew, Jesus tells us that a tree is known by its fruit.  This is what we choose to be judged by as a school; the hard work we put into growing great young people and the way in which this bares fruit in their successes – both now and in the future. 

By actively promoting children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development with a strong focus on Christian values, our mission is:

To create responsible citizens who:

  • are polite, considerate and respect others
  • work and play co-operatively and positively with others
  • communicate effectively for a range of purposes, sharing ideas and listening to the ideas and opinions of others 
  • are aware of diversity, show tolerance and understanding
  • understand local and global issues, and the part they can play in affecting change

To create successful learners who:

  • are motivated by the adventure of learning
  • achieve all they are capable of, making consistent progress
  • enjoy thinking creatively, solving problems and using their enquiring minds
  • participate actively in a variety of learning experiences
  • respond to challenge - demonstrating perseverance, resilience and commitment

To create confident individuals who:

  • have a sense of self-worth and personal identity
  • are responsible, courageous and independent 
  • have a good understanding of personal well-being
  • have secure values and beliefs based on sound moral principles
  • are developing a spiritual awareness and an understanding of their place in the world
  • are equipped for the challenges that face them in the future




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